How does Feelalytics work?
Our technology has commercialized a psychological testing method: Experience Sampling.
That means you can gain insights into real-time reactions and understand WHY people feel the way they do.
Use Case #1: Customer Experience
How did you feel about your recent experience?
You ask a specific question at the moment it matters.
People react with one or more emoji that represent how they feel at that moment, about their current experience.
You get an aggregated Net Emotion Score, plus context-specific emotions.
Use Case #2: Video Content
What do you think about the second-by-second details in this video content?
People can authentically react without trying to figure out the “right answer,” and your team can understand which moments matter, and to whom.
Use Case #3: Employee Experience
Do your people feel like they belong?
Measure company psychological safety, trust, and belonging.